Because the guy is the embodiment of blue collar, it ain't over till its over football. The same qualities that have become trademarks of the Bucs themselves. Blount was never handed his success on a silver platter, he earned it the hard way. NASHVILLE Representative Jon Lundberg (R Bristol) will once again appear before the Local Government Subcommittee to fight for passage of the "Pass the Bottle" legislation, which would ban open containers in vehicles. Currently, no driver may consume an alcoholic beverage or possess an open container of cheap jerseys such while operating a motor vehicle, but passengers may consume alcohol. Lundberg says this policy invites drivers to drink as long as there is a passenger to which they can "pass the bottle." the rest of this article categories, edit link,comments >. Wimbush, who led the Irish to their first three victories, got the start in place of injured junior Ian Book, who suffered a rib injury last week against Nor...